Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Foster Babies

Late in Sept 3 little baby kittens were found in a ditch.  They were brought to the vet to be euthanized.  I happen to be there that day and agreed to take them home and raise them.  They were just about 10 days old at the time.  Their eyes were open and they could hardly walk. 
Being 10 days old meant they needed to be bottle fed and they needed feeding every few hours.  Just like a human baby they needed warmth, formula, burping and lots of love.
Sadly one of the little babies didn't make it.  She will me missed dearly.  The other two were thriving, now it's time to give them away to their adopted parents and I'm so sad to have to give them away my heart is just breaking.  All three will stay in my heart forever. 
Here are some layouts to help me remember my babies time with me. The first one is of my kittens sleeping soundly with the babies.
Feeding Baby everyday I measured how much they drank and how much they weighed to make sure they were growing.

 Here are the babies spending their time together, they spend most of their time sleeping and playing with each other.  It's sad to know they will be seperated from each other.
Digital Kit-Pet Shop:CrazyCats by Heather Roselli (sweetshoppedesigns)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Too late for halloween but it had to be done.

Well it's been a while since I've posted last.  It looks like I'll never get my calendar done in time for christmas!!  Here's a layout I did while on vacation.  I couldn't finish it until I had access to my halloween pics.  Now that I'm home I finished up the layout and here it is.  I know it's way to late for halloween pages but it is for my unfinished calendar!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Times Square

Well it has been a very long time since I've posted.  Boy I think I'm going to have to set aside time to digi scrap.  Here's a layout I did while on vacation.  Yes it's true!  I was in New York and in the evening when my feet couldn't take any more walking I'd take out my laptop and scrap some photos I had taken that day.

This is my son and my Dad.  I was trying to give the layout a feel of being in Times Square at New Years eve.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Featured digi page

Eeeek I'm really excited to tell you I've been featured on Memory Makers Magazine online.  My digi page is their Featured Page Idea!!! 

here's the link http://www.memorymakersmagazine.com/page_ideas.aspx

Friday, September 4, 2009


Here is an example of an impulse buy going good. As soon as I saw this kit "Flight of Fancy " I just had to have it. I wasn't sure what I'd do with it but I just had to buy it. Then as I was flipping through photos I came across some photos of my son trying to make a jump on his motorbike. That's when it hit me that the kit I just bought would be perfect.
I figured the plane is represents my son spreading his wings and trying to fly.
Digi kit used-Flight of Fancy by Elise's Pieces from The Digi Chick.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Road Trip with Laura

Let me tell you about my best friend. She is the sweetest kindest person I've ever met. I love going on road trips with her. She's hilarious and loves her family to death! She's such a great influence, and she'd say I'm the bad influence. Either way we work! And every now and then we go on ROAD TRIPS to our favorite scrapbook stores. Mind you all I'd have to do is show up at her house with a basket and load up on her supplies! Cause this girl has got STUFF!! Hahahahaha.
The other day I finally decided to take my camera on our trip so that I can scrap a page of these very important moments.
Laura if your reading this we'll have to go on another trip and get better pictures!!

My Sweet Boy

My son is just toooo cute sometimes. Here he is the eager beaver just waiting to help Poppy pick strawberries. Yep that is a pitch fork in his hands! Kids are so funny aren't they?

Here we are and Koale is a few years older having a cup of tea with me.

Digi kit-Strawberry Cafe by Sugarplum Paperie was used for both layouts.
Cupcake is a digital stamp from Whimsie Doodles.